Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Compare and contrast poetry

Dylan Thomas and Theodore Roethke's poems are about similar subjects. After your group discussions, what similarity or difference stands out the most and why do you think it's important to the meaning of the poems? Please write a short paragraph answering this question and then comment on at least one other response for full credit.

This is due by 11 p.m. on Wednesday evening.

Monday, March 2, 2015

Fences - final thoughts

Please respond to one of the following questions when you have finished reading the play. The response needs to be two paragraphs long and make sure you say which question you are responding to. Please also respond to someone else's comment. This response doesn't need to be as long but please either agree and say why or disagree and say why.

These posts are due on Tuesday evening by 10 p.m.

Important! Please bring your Perrines book to class on Wednesday!

1. How do you interpret Lyon’s response to his father’s criticism of his lifestyle: “I know I got to eat. But I got to live too. I need something that gonna help me to get out of the bed in the morning. Make me feel like I belong in the world” (I.1.340-341)? Discuss what it is that makes each of the central characters feel some sense of belonging in the world: Troy, Rose, Lyons, and Cory.

2. When Cory returns after Troy’s death, he tells Rose, “I can’t drag Papa with me everywhere I go. I’ve got to say no to him” (II.5.110). What finally convinces Cory to attend Troy’s funeral? What does his attending the funeral suggest about what Cory’s future might hold and what kind of home and family he will have? Has he said “no” to his father?